@TD: Here’s just one with less than half a Google search: https://www.cell.com/trends/molecular-medicine/fulltext/S1471-4914(22)00103-4
There is plenty of literature, mRNA vaccines have been tested since the 1980s for everything from flu to HIV without any effective treatment, most of that research has been prematurely shut down for its side effects. Until 2020 we literally did not know what the effect of mRNA vaccines on the human body would be and we still don’t have any longitudinal data. mRNA vaccines were considered to be a dead end in the last few years.
However the main proponent of the mRNA theory and major patent holder, who has pushed things like the failed mRNA HIV vaccination programs out of NIAID since 1988 (such as HVTN) was one Anthony Fauci, a research scientists that failed to produce any effective results in his own research and thus went to the place where many failed scientists end up, NIH.